Workshops & Keynotes

Common Ground
8:50 AM
10:20 AM
Sponsored by the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP)

Making it Happen in Utah: Madsnacks Produce
4:00 PM
5:45 PM
Each year UFFC chooses one farm and one business or organization who are making it happen in Utah. They will share their story and insights. Learn what they do, why they do it, and what they have learned along the way.

Making it Happen in Utah: Central 9th Market
4:00 PM
5:45 PM
Each year UFFC chooses one farm and one business or organization who are making it happen in Utah. They will share their story and insights. Learn what they do, why they do it, and what they have learned along the way.

Closing Keynote: Finding Common Ground through Regeneration in the Age of Cynicism
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
There is a wave of mistrust building across the world; undermining our ability to work together and think through the challenges facing food systems. Working with nature and approaching landscapes with a mindset that sees collaboration, abundance, and opportunities offers startling new outcomes. Nicole will shine a light on communities that foster trust and bring "hopeful skepticism" to shift conversations and take deeper actions towards resilience, health, wealth, and wellbeing.

The Journey to Find Common Ground through Organic Farming
12:10 PM
1:30 PM
Sponsored by USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP)

Town Hall
8:50 AM
9:40 AM
Come get your questions answered and find out what our lawmakers and what legislation is doing to access, grow and secure local food. State and local laws/regulations are constantly changing and we advocate to make them better. On this panel we'll have state and local policymakers who are trying to find ways to make it easier for local producers to sell to their customers. You'll get to watch a conversation between real producers and policymakers that could impact you.
Workshops TBD

Certified Organic: Myth, Market, or Movement?
10:30 AM
11:40 AM
Room 6
Whether you produce food or only eat it you have likely heard of organic. You may have also heard a range of opinions from ‘organic will save the world’ to ‘organic is meaningless’ and everything in between. So, what exactly is Organic? What is USDA Certified Organic production and what does the label actually mean? Learn here how producers gain and maintain certification, what is and isn’t allowed in organic production, and how organic certification fits into a sustainable food system.
Presented as part of Utah’s Transition to Organic Partnership Program. TOPP is a collaborative effort between Utah State University and the USDA to provide mentorship and technical support to producers interested in transitioning to certified organic production.

Cut Flower Farming
10:30 AM
11:40 AM
Second generation Full Belly Farm farmer Hannah Muller will share insights into their 15 acre cut flower operation and how it is integrated into their 350 acre diversified farming operation that has been growing organically for over 40 years. Explore the ways in which they have mechanized their flower farming practices, found their markets and learned from their mistakes.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
10:30 AM
11:40 AM
Room 4 & 5
What you should know --and why.

Soil to Soul Awakening
10:30 AM
11:40 AM
Room 1
James Skeet and his wife Joyce weave insights from modern regenerative agriculture with the ancient wisdom of Native bio-cosmology that works in harmony with nature to reclaim our responsibility for care of the earth and provide a means to honor, celebrate, and build the resilience needed to meet the challenges of the future. Indigenous Intelligence breaks down dual platonic thought, and challenges participants to change their mindsets to a new understanding. It reaffirms the teachings and practices of our ancient lifeways that are reliant on Mother Earth and Father Sky.

Tree Planting 101
10:30 AM
11:40 AM
Room 2 & 3
This class is all about the biggest challenge faced by trees. Proper planting. How do you plant a tree properly? Let’s talk about that! We will cover the whole planting process. Starting with choosing and assessing stock. Digging the hole and backfilling. Mulching, staking, and watering. If you want to know about the best practices for planting trees this is the place for you. Bring questions and be ready to get excited about planting for our future.

Finding Common Ground: The Farmers’ Market Experience
11:30 AM
1:30 PM
Room 4 & 5
A moderated panel

Biosprays & Beyond
11:50 AM
1:00 PM
Room 2 & 3
Join us to learn effective farming strategies for creating health and fertility on your farm and in your garden. Learn simple and easy techniques to increase soil health and grow nutritious produce this season and beyond. We will overview of the practical aspects of Biodynamics, the Biodynamic preparations, optimal times for agricultural activities, and creating sustainable soil fertility and the production of natural fertilizers.

Diversify Farming at Any Scale
11:50 AM
1:00 PM
From mixed vegetables to flowers, strawberries, and other berries, learn from Javier about the benefits of diversifying your crops. Included in this workshop is how to package, market and sell to farmers' markets and beyond.

Don't Soil the Fun: Measuring Soil Health Made Easy
11:50 AM
1:00 PM
Room 1
Curious about the health of your soil? Want to know if your management practices are making a difference? This presentation explores various methods for assessing soil health, from simple visual observations (like reading shovels) to more in-depth laboratory testing. We'll discuss the benefits of each approach and how they can guide you on your journey towards improved soil health

Organic Through My Eyes
11:50 AM
1:00 PM
Room 6
Sponsored by California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)
From being the first certified organic apple grower in the United States to becoming the producer of the first certified organic and non-sulfite wine, and more. See through my eyes how the seemingly impossible came to be.

Biodynamic Calendar Foundations & Finding Daily Rhythm
2:30 PM
3:40 PM
Room 2 & 3
This presentation will explore how we can use a Biodynamic calendar to deepen our relationships with the plants we grow, the lands we steward and our inner Selves. We will look at the Moon’s movement in relation to the Zodiac, learning how to work in partnership with the celestial world and the cycle of etheric influences that we experience here on Earth. Expect to learn how to incorporate a Biodynamic calendar into your daily farming or gardening rhythm as we look to the Moon and Stars for guidance.

CPR in the Intermountain West
2:30 PM
3:40 PM
Room 1
Regeneration and soil health is possible in any context. How can we navigate a soil health journey to the best of our skills and abilities, to create something that has benefits far beyond the farm/ranch gate?
We invite you to join us in a diagnostic process of what may be impeding your journey into soil health and remarkable examples from the Intermountain West of ranchers bringing soils back to life.

Farmer’s Perspective- Certified Organic Panel Discussion
2:30 PM
3:40 PM
Room 6
Why do farmers choose to get certified organic? How does organic production change a farmer’s day to day activities? What are the opportunities and challenges of certification?
Join us for a panel discussion with five certified organic farmers to hear about their experience transitioning to organic, running a farm organically, and being a part of the organic movement. Learn what it means to be organic from those with their feet on the ground and their hands in the dirt.

Finding Success with Pastured Poultry
2:30 PM
3:40 PM
Room 4 & 5
Tips and tricks and all the advice we can spare after nearly 20 years of raising pastured poultry on what was once simply "a respectable cattle ranch." We will look at how raising poultry can improve soil and pasture health, provide a profitable business, and it can provide great potential gains with relatively small output. We will talk about how to integrate this into what is already happening on properties, whether that is produce, orchards, or other livestock.

Putting the Power of Plants into Practice
2:30 PM
3:40 PM
As a gardener/farmer by trade, I find myself continually being bit, stung, poked, scraped, cut, and burnt; often. This is no job for sissies! I came across a recipe on the internet by happenstance that claimed it was a healing salve. I looked at the ingredients and found that I had most every herb and ingredient needed to make the salve growing on our farm, both wild and cultivated.
Wow! That was my gateway into medicinal herbs! For years I didn’t know how or why the “Healing Salve” worked, I just knew that it did. Then I enrolled in an amazing herbal medicine course and it changed my world! I now know why these herbs work and my passion for growing, gathering and learning of these powerful botanicals has become my passion!
In this workshop, I will share some of our personal stories of the healing power of plants, our adventures and mis-adventures, and how we are incorporating them into our farming model. We will also learn how to utilize the phytochemicals in these botanicals and the many ways to use them. I will show the simple, step-by-step method of making tinctures. ~ Oh, it is going to be fun!

Adaptation Agriculture
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
Room 4 & 5
Exploring the people, organizations, places, bugs, and microbes that make it easier to grow healthier food with less labor, and fewer inputs.

Growing and Designing with Dried Flowers
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
Room 1
Thinking about taking the leap into dried flowers? Learn the basics for growing, drying and designing with flowers from Hannah Muller of Full Belly Farm and author of Designing with Dried Flowers. Learn how her family farm dries, stores and arranges all of their flowers in their "Wreath Room". Learn flower types, harvesting tips and gather information to help start you on your dried flower journey.

Planting Seeds of Wonder: Nature School Magic
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
Room 2 & 3
Our future is dependent on a rising generation that is in deep kinship with the earth. In this class we will discuss the natural ways children (and adults) develop their own souls and a desire to care for the planet as they see and experience their magical interconnectedness with nature. Learn basic tips for starting a nature school in your own community!

Biochar, the Re-Generational Investment in Soil Health
9:50 AM
10:50 AM
What if the key to regenerating our soils and combating environmental challenges lies in an ancient practice rediscovered for the modern age? In this conversation, we will explore biochar’s transformative role as a Re-Generational Investment in Soil Health and it's place as a cornerstone of the regenerative movement. Drawing on the legacy of Terra Preta and the cutting-edge of biochar innovations in recent years, we will show how biochar can restore depleted soils, sequester beneficial carbon for centuries, build critical soil structure, and empower growers to create resilience in the face of environmental and economic challenges.

Cultivating Elderberries: Exploring Perennial Crop Potential in Utah's Diverse Climate
9:50 AM
10:50 AM
Room 4 & 5
In this session, Tyson Lloyd shares insights from his Specialty Crop Block Grant project trialing five elderberry varieties to determine their viability in Utah’s diverse and challenging growing conditions. As a seasoned farmer using organic and regenerative practices, Tyson discusses the potential of elderberries as a perennial crop to diversify income streams, reduce annual planting labor, and meet the growing demand for local, sustainable specialty crops. Learn about the project's goals, preliminary findings, and how elderberries could become a profitable addition to Utah's agricultural landscape.

Inspiring Stories from the Front Lines of Food Activism
9:50 AM
10:50 AM
Room 6
With over 20 years of experience battling corrupt government agencies Max has just about done it all! He has even went up against DOJ/FDA and won! He is a pioneer with over 2 decades of defending farmers and consumers rights to grow, raise, and eat the food of their choice.

Seeing the Unseen: Determining Soil Health with Chromatography
9:50 AM
10:50 AM
Room 2 & 3
Explore soil dynamics revealed as pictures suitable for qualitative analysis. From a snapshot of a soil sample, you can see at a glance the soil organic matter, the diversity of soil microbiology, enzyme levels, how well integrated the living topsoil and subsoil might be, and the quality of organic matter. And all just from a picture you can affordably make yourself without needing a darkroom.

Strengthen, Network and Support for Indigenous Growers
9:50 AM
10:50 AM
Upstairs Board Room