Kid Cultivation Station
Sponsored by Argyle Acres and The Pizza Yard
Goal: To give the next generation of farmers a hands-on experience learning about local food and the different elements that are important to get food to our plate: soil, pollinators, animals, and of course the farmers! Our little farmers will play with an unusual artists medium- soil! We’ll learn about the different soils in Utah and the importance of healthy soil for a healthy agriculture system. We will create books about different livestock found on the farm to provide an opportunity to talk about animal needs, uses, offspring, and seasonal changes. We will explore our love for our pollinators and the crucial roll they play in the ecosystem while making beeswax modeling clay. Upon departure we hope your child will have gained an appreciation for the beauty and gifts life has to offer.
This program was thoughtfully designed by Chris & Amanda of Argyle Acres

Beeswax modeling clay
Soil painting
Agricultural coloring pages
Create their own about books: cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens
Free play
Plant people
Growing pizza
Farm bingo
Music time
Outdoor walk (weather permitting)
Homemade organic fruit roll-ups (mango & strawberry)
Sourdough mini banana muffins - Shelley’s Sourdough
Local carrots & radishes - Red Acre Farm
Organic apples and pears
Popcorn - Peterson Farms
Hard boiled eggs - Argyle Acres
Organic Milk
Friday drop-off starts at 8:30 am. All children must be picked up by 6:00 pm on Friday
Saturday drop-off starts at 8:30 am. All children must be picked up by 12:30 pm on Saturday.
All parents must leave a contact number
Children must be picked up during lunch on Friday
We are not responsible for changing diapers or bathroom assistance. Parents are responsible to make sure their kids use the restroom before class. If an accident or dirty diaper happens, we will contact the parent via their cell number to handle it.
We will provide activities, story time, crafts, and free play time.
Kids can come and go as the parents see fit.
Kids Cultivation will not be provided during the dinner on Thursday or the Farmer Guild Mixer on Friday.